What Happens if Humans on Earth Disappear Tomorrow?

Apr 27, 2024, 10:21 PM IST

What Happens if Humans on Earth Disappear Tomorrow?

Harshit Sabarwal

All images: NASA, Pexels (Representative images)

Harshit Sabarwal

An Extinction

Have you ever wondered what the world would look like if all human beings disappeared? Here's a look at the scenarios listed by popular astronomy YouTuber Astrokobi.

After 1 Week

After a week, all domesticated pets would die due to starvation.

Within 1 Month

All lights across Earth would turn off. And after a month, all nuclear power plants would have experienced a meltdown due to overloading.

After 50 Years

After half a century, nature would have reclaimed most of the cities.

After 100,000 Years

After 100,000 years, all the satellites would have burnt up in the atmosphere.

Two Million Years Later

Two million years later, the oceans would have finally recovered from human-induced climate change.

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