International Day of Yoga: The 6 Don'ts of Yoga

Jun 20, 2024, 03:18 PM IST

International Day of Yoga: The 6 Don'ts of Yoga

Vikrant Singh

Before you start practising Yoga every day, here are six major don'ts you should always keep in mind.

Avoid Overexerting

Don't overexert right from the beginning. Start with easier poses and gradually shift to challenging ones.


Weather plays a key role too. Avoid doing Yoga during extreme conditions, when it's too hot or too cold.

Yoga After Eating

Never perform Yoga after having meals. Wait for at least 2-3 hours.

Tight Clothing

Avoid doing Yoga wearing tight clothes. Tight upper back clothing can restrict the movement of the rib cage.


It is advised to take a shower after Yoga but not immediately. Let your body cool down first.

Yoga During Menstruation

Do not do the 'feet up' (inverse) poses while menstruating. You can always perform simple breathing and relaxation poses though.

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